CHORBA soup – a mediterranean soul

September, fall has come, the days will feel cooler. What’s better than a Chorba to warm you up? This soup is one of the symbol of Algeria, although its origins are turkish and you could find it, with different names, all around the Mediterranean area. Chicken, cheackpeas, egg, lemon and spices, simple ingredients for aContinua a leggere “CHORBA soup – a mediterranean soul”

CHORBA soup – working together for the greater good

At the end of June, I spent some days in my hometown near the mountains. My friend Rima has been living there with her family since one year and it’s so much easy to see each other now that she’s near. I asked her to cook me her favourite dish and, peeling the skin ofContinua a leggere “CHORBA soup – working together for the greater good”

VANILLA & CHOCOLATE FLAN II – Lost in translation

This has been an absurd year…time has flown. It’s December, again, my mother’s birthday, my great-grandmother’s flan, the first snow. And I’ve been lost in translation! My english will be uncertain and full of mistakes, but I hope you’ll enjoy this new story. Do yourself a favor, cook a flan to warm your soul. I’veContinua a leggere “VANILLA & CHOCOLATE FLAN II – Lost in translation”

VANILLA & CHOCOLATE FLAN – Cooking miracles in hard times

Looking for a trait d’union among women in my family, I asked my mother Donatella and my grandma Angela to tell me one of the recipes that my great-grandmother loved to cook. I love to think about food as a bridge that connects generations, women’s knowledge transferred from mother to daughter. Something that links meContinua a leggere “VANILLA & CHOCOLATE FLAN – Cooking miracles in hard times”

PEARLS of RICE in TOMATO SAUCE II – Recipe for a blooming heart

If somebody knew the meaning of love, that was my grandma Camerina. She devoted herself fully to her family, from the moment she said yes to my grandpa Heriberto. Always with a blooming smile, as if spring was always around her. Chlorophyll ran through her veins. She loved plants & flowers so much, maybe becauseContinua a leggere “PEARLS of RICE in TOMATO SAUCE II – Recipe for a blooming heart”

PEARLS of RICE in TOMATO SAUCE – Recipe of a flower’s tears

Auntie Gloria (my Mom’s sister) shared this gem with me while we spent a lovely time in my grandma’s kitchen talking about the breathtaking life that mama Came had. Camerina was a woman of wild character, with an adventurer heart and head full of extraordinary ideas. I will provide the recipe in my second post.Continua a leggere “PEARLS of RICE in TOMATO SAUCE – Recipe of a flower’s tears”

FUL II – Brave women and Berbere

With the strength of the heart, as we woman usually do, a big group of Asmara women left their homes and arrived to Milan in 1962. Some forces push you from deep inside to search what is better for your family, better economic conditions, better jobs and in this way one by one took aContinua a leggere “FUL II – Brave women and Berbere”

FUL – An eritrean breakfast between Asmara and Paris

Paris is the home of Mara. She left Milan 3 years ago, during a hot summer. Driven by the curiosity she decided to make her baggages and never came back. Since then I tried to visit her at least once a year, to remember our most memorable trip, when discovering the streets took us toContinua a leggere “FUL – An eritrean breakfast between Asmara and Paris”

MOLE POBLANO II – Magic potion that heals the heart

Without pain or problems, how we could enjoy the great moments in life? Without struggling how we would feel the need to run to our beloved table and console ourselves with our favourite dish?I guess that thanks to these points, my grandma Carmen become an excellent healer of hearts through her food. Mole is theContinua a leggere “MOLE POBLANO II – Magic potion that heals the heart”

MOLE POBLANO – Recipe for Love & Strength

I decided to start with my favourite dish from the Mexican cuisine, EL MOLE POBLANO. This is one of the most complex Mexican dishes, since the simplest recipe can contain up to 18 ingredients. I will provide the recipe and talk more about its roots in my second post. The heroine who shared this recipeContinua a leggere “MOLE POBLANO – Recipe for Love & Strength”

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