CHORBA soup – a mediterranean soul

September, fall has come, the days will feel cooler. What’s better than a Chorba to warm you up? This soup is one of the symbol of Algeria, although its origins are turkish and you could find it, with different names, all around the Mediterranean area. Chicken, cheackpeas, egg, lemon and spices, simple ingredients for aContinua a leggere “CHORBA soup – a mediterranean soul”

CHORBA soup – working together for the greater good

At the end of June, I spent some days in my hometown near the mountains. My friend Rima has been living there with her family since one year and it’s so much easy to see each other now that she’s near. I asked her to cook me her favourite dish and, peeling the skin ofContinua a leggere “CHORBA soup – working together for the greater good”

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