FUL II – Brave women and Berbere

With the strength of the heart, as we woman usually do, a big group of Asmara women left their homes and arrived to Milan in 1962. Some forces push you from deep inside to search what is better for your family, better economic conditions, better jobs and in this way one by one took aContinua a leggere “FUL II – Brave women and Berbere”

FUL – An eritrean breakfast between Asmara and Paris

Paris is the home of Mara. She left Milan 3 years ago, during a hot summer. Driven by the curiosity she decided to make her baggages and never came back. Since then I tried to visit her at least once a year, to remember our most memorable trip, when discovering the streets took us toContinua a leggere “FUL – An eritrean breakfast between Asmara and Paris”

MOLE POBLANO II – Magic potion that heals the heart

Without pain or problems, how we could enjoy the great moments in life? Without struggling how we would feel the need to run to our beloved table and console ourselves with our favourite dish?I guess that thanks to these points, my grandma Carmen become an excellent healer of hearts through her food. Mole is theContinua a leggere “MOLE POBLANO II – Magic potion that heals the heart”

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